Compliance Expertise

If you are a business owner with 100 or more employees at the beginning of a plan year, you may be required to file an annual report with the Department of Labor/IRS. This “Form 5500” contains information about the plan and includes disclosure of all commissions and fees received by those who provide services to insured plans. Failure to file these forms by the required deadlines could result in substantial penalties.

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.

Benefit Statements

As a business owner, you probably spend a great deal of money to provide your employees with a substantial package of benefits designed to protect their welfare and that of their families. At the same time, you probably also feel that your employees do not always appreciate the value of their benefits. If so, you are certainly not alone in your opinion, but there is something you can do about it.

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.

How Does Your Broker Compare

Perhaps you’ve been with the same benefits consultant for many years now. You may think you are receiving an adequate level of advice and service, but how would you know? Have you compared the services and expertise and track records of other local agencies? Maybe now is a good time to test the market.

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.

A Voluntary Benefits Strategy

If you’re like many business owners, you are probably looking for ways to trim your employee benefits budget without creating a significant hardship for your employees. You’ve probably already raised deductibles and copays, implemented a High Deductible Health Program coupled with an HSA and maybe even integrated a wellness program…but you’re still looking for additional ways to save. What else can you do?

Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients